Class Relax

refocus, renew and get ready to learn

The Day We Attempted Sitting in Silence

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In these times of uncertainty, omicron, vaccinations, discovery of those infected, our students seem to rejoice in simple communication, physical and vocal. This week’s challenge in our Wednesday mindfulness lessons to 7th grade classes: to sit in silence, paying attention to breath and body.

I told them that I was timing them and that the class with the ability to stay silent the longest would win a prize.

Photo by Magicbowls on

First class: 1 minute (after 3 tries)

Second class: 3 1/2 minutes (after 3 tries and they wanted to try a 4th time)

Third class: only a few seconds elapsed before one started signaling another – non-verbally but quite expressively. Laughter ensued. We tried again several times, and each time someone else began the circuit of eyebrow raises, finger gestures (not always the most polite) and then little ventures, silently and stealthily across the room.

That third class’s effort to remain silent culminated in the creation of faux rude noises and at the sound of the singing bell signifying the end of the exercise, they burst into a raucous orchestra of noises accompanied by peals of laughter.

We solemnly ended with a “Dry Shower” (one day I’ll film it, I promise) and after 3 deep body breaths and a pledge to be well until next time, two sweet girls (7th graders, I must emphasize) stayed behind and apologized to me for the outcome of the lesson. I thanked them, thinking it might be best not to confess that it had been the funniest lesson ever!

Class Relax considers a new rule!

Grade 7, 2021 in the midst of post-Covid-19, mid Covid variants, and the crazy life we’re leading. Sometimes, you just have to laugh together.

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